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Since its inception in 1965, The Hawthorne Cancer Foundation (formerly The Johns Cancer Foundation) has served thousands of cancer patients and their families throughout the greater Richmond metropolitan community. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to assisting individuals waging their battle against cancer. With the combined strength of The Hawthorne Cancer Foundation and The Hawthorne Cancer Resource Center located at Johnston-Willis Campus, we can assist cancer patients through financial, emotional, and material support. 



In their fight against cancer, Bill and Barbara Hawthorne bequeathed money to The Johns Cancer Foundation to provide a resource center for all cancer patients in the community.


In 2001, with the support and backing of The Johns Cancer Foundation and CJW Medical Center, The Hawthorne Cancer Resource Center opened through the vision of Co-Founders, Robin P. Yoder, and Melanie Dempsey. The goal was to centralize essential cancer resources to help patients and loved ones cope with critical life changes.


In April 2015, the name of the foundation officially changed to "The Hawthorne Cancer Foundation." In 2020 we finalized a sizable gift from the Weersing Family, and have since established a new grant program under their name,  "The Weersing Family Grant Fund". 


Did you know…


  • 30,000 Virginia residents are diagnosed with cancer each year?

  • 42% of cancer patients become unemployed during treatment due to the severity of their illness?

  • 4,000 of the Richmond area patients diagnosed each year live under the poverty level and struggle to pay everyday living expenses?

  • 17% of cancer patients living in the Richmond area are uninsured.


For many cancer patients and their families, simply making ends meet is often difficult. The Hawthorne Cancer Foundation is here to help.


  • The Hawthorne Cancer Foundation
  • The Hawthorne Cancer Foundation

Cancer is only a chapter in your life, not the whole story.

Our Mission

Our mission is three-fold. We provide financial, emotional, and material support to cancer patients and their families when they need it most. These services would not be possible without partnerships with the cancer community, professional healthcare, and social workers.

Our Mission

Our Vision

To provide respite for individuals fighting the battle against cancer, whether physical, emotional and/or financial. 

We Need Your Support Today!

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